Introducing your best year on record

January 1st.

Everyone is thinking about it…

This year I’m going to be smarter, funnier, healthier and all-around more amazing.

We set goals:

  • X% sales growth
  • X% body fat
  • Write the book
  • Do better by my spouse
    …and kids
    …and dogs
  • Date nights
  • Vacations
  • Learn Spanish
  • Split the atom

All the things.

Imagine if we could capture the collective ambition of billions on January 1st.

We could cure world hunger. Reverse climate change.

Maybe even terraform Mars – turn it into a thriving second home for humanity by December 31st.

And then…reality sets in.

The goals seem daunting.

The energy wanes.

We change some things.

Other goals get pushed to the back burner until the next major milestone.

Here’s the thing:
Roughly 9-12% of people report successfully achieving their resolutions by the end of the year.

And almost 25% of people quit within the first week. (Dry January, anyone?)

And then there’s the crowd that says: To hell with resolutions. You are perfect just as you are.


I’m all for growth and development.

“Every day you get better or you get worse.
You never stay the same.”

– Bo Schembechler

How do we set ourselves up for the success we want?

There’s no shortage of advice.

Be specific, realistic…yada yada.

But I think it all comes back to the power of your vision and your story.

Instead of a daunting list of to-dos or not-dos, what if you painted a vivid picture of December 31, 2025?

Transport yourself into the future.

You’ve achieved your dreams for the year.

  • Who are you as a result of these accomplishments?
  • How do you feel?
  • What have you learned?
  • How do you feel in your body? What’s your energy like? How do you sleep?
  • Who is in your life? What is the quality of your relationships?
  • What are people saying about working with you?
  • What is your industry saying? The media?
  • What’s possible now that you’ve achieved all of these things?

Take an hour sometime this week to turn your goals into a story.

Stories make information real, relatable and inspirational. They help us visualize futures that don’t exist…yet.

Write the story of your future self.

Then watch as the story unfolds into your reality.

Need help creating your story?

We’re planning a workshop to help you craft your personal vision for the year ahead.

During the session, we’ll:

  • Identify and connect with your most inspiring goals.
  • Turn those goals into a vivid, motivational story that guides your actions.
  • Align your story with the life you want to create.

If you’re interested, reply to this email and let us know! We’ll share all the details with you soon.

Let’s make 2025 your best story yet.


P.S. We help visionary leaders and organizations achieve more impact through purpose, engagement and storytelling. When you’re ready, here’s how we can help:

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