I backed into my client’s car.
My bad, no one was hurt – just a couple bumpers.
My husband was on point to follow up with insurance. He didn’t.
One. Two. Three days in a row.
I followed up each day. On the fourth day, it got done.
It takes up to seven times for someone to hear a message before they act on it.
It almost feels like nagging.
As much as we’d love to say something once and see action come out of it, it rarely happens (I know the parents reading this feel me!).
You have firsthand experience with every message, social post, video, article. Your audience doesn’t. They experience a fraction of it amidst thousands of other messages all day long.
Repetition is the answer.
Where can you stand to put your messages on repeat? With your team, partners and customers…spouse?
I don’t know who’s luckier it took only four days. Me or my husband?
And next time someone tells you you’re nagging, give them the 7x rule.